Square One TV
Episode 155 (1x55)
Skits in this episode included:
""King for a Day""
Repeat of a sketch first aired in Episode 123.
""Time Check""
23% of SQ1TV is over, leaving 77% of SQ1TV to come.
In this game, Mathman must eat only multiples of four.
""Person on the Street""
Given the question, ""What is a quadrilateral?"", several people on the street answer incorrectly before the last person gets it right.
""Animation: An Interesting Game of Football""
An underdog team is ready to play football with some bruisers on an odd-shaped field. One fence and a bunch of bushes makes the field a trapezoid, which the underdog team uses to its advantage. In the second interesting game, a large section of the same field is swamped by excess rain. That gives both teams a badly-shaped quadrilateral field, and again the underdogs find a way to score often.
""Animation: Quadrilateral""
A quadrilateral breaks, and all its corners join at a single point, showing the four angles of a quadrilateral add up to 360 degrees.
""Fraction Rap""