Sevish Music

Sevish Music

Sevish - Thundersnow (2021x23)


Thundersnow by Sevish from Formless Shadows. This scale glacial[7] is quite an odd feel. If you're familiar with the whole tone scale you might hear glacial[7] as a modified version of that. The whole tones are somewhat narrow at around 185 cents, such that when you stack 6 whole tones atop each other, you're left with enough space at the top to fit a semitone. In melody, that semitone can function quite usefully as a leading tone to establish a tonal center while still having wholetoney feelings between the other 6 notes. Aside from the comparisons to the whole tone scale, glacial feels xenharmonic to me, giving me impressions of desolation and dreaminess. I've used POTE tuning here which means the 2/1 (octave) is tuned pure while all the other intervals are compromised by some kind of optimal tempering. 13ed2 would also be a fine way to tune glacial[7].

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