Sevish Music

Sevish Music

Sevish - Streaming (31edo 11/8 beat) (2019x14)


What is your strategy for head nodding to beats in odd time signatures? Do you nod your head in regular time (e.g. every 1/4th or 3/8th note) so that you're on-the-beat during some bars and offbeat during others? Or do you nod in an irregular way, trying to catch the emphasised beats (e.g. 3/8 + 3/8 + 3/8 + 2/8)? Or something else entirely? Same question goes out to all those foot tappers and finger snappers. (Btw please don't nod your head on every 1/8th note, that can't be good for you) This track is for the most part diatonic and not xenharmonic. 31edo has some really sweet sounding thirds so if you want to write something that will be familiar to Westerners this microtonal tuning is one to try. You can of course do some really wacky tonal things with it too.

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