Pretty Rhythm
The Dolphin Venus of the Southern Beach (1x27)
MARs is at the beach for filming business which does not make Rizumu and Mion feel happy. Aira is as happy as can be because she is traveling to a beach. They meet once again face to face with Serena and Kanon. Both teams set out to find the dolphin with a heart shape mark on it called the legendary Venus dolphin which is also for the program. They had no luck finding it but did find a baby dolphin that got separated from its mother and father. Rizumu tries to help find them but with no luck. It was sunset when Serena and Kanon performed first. Rizumu was still feeling down about the fact that she couldn't help the dolphin find its parents but with Jun, Aira and Mion's encouragement she did a prism show to make the dolphin happy. The dolphin started to dance with Rizumu and completed a jump with Rizumu. That was when the mother and father came along. The program was aired but to Serena's dismay it was called MARs' special that they were in even though they did a prism show. The episode ends with Rizumu being happy that the dolphin is with its parents.