Kaasan Mom's Life
Bunji's Secret / Bunji, First Grade Student / The Last Crab Mom / Ah, Nursery School (1x24)
Bunji becomes a first grader, at long last. That morning, Dad tells Bunji that he is to become a chosen, special first grader. Bunji believes these words and sets off for school...; Mom is more worried than ever due to the fact that Bunji's entering elementary school. The more she thinks about it, the more nervous she gets, to the point where she can't even effectively get work done.; And then the crab arrives! Mom was planning to hog it all for herself and not tell anyone about it, but Grandma notices.; The elementary school day begins earlier than kindergarten did. Mom has to wake up extra early to take Bunji to school. Plus he has homework which he needs help with. Mom is getting burned out by this routine, when she had to stay up all night to finish work and then take Bunji to school and...