

Minecraft - The Survival Hunter - Man vs Wild Episode 8 - First Night (2013x200)


Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of "The Survival hunter" I have been away from the series for a while because I was making a transition from FC3 to Minecraft and I was unsure of how to go about it. I ran out of stuff to cover in FC3, I could dig really deep and find something but I think I covered all the major animals and it was getting a bit boring to watch as it was the same thing almost every time. Though Minecraft will likely go that way too but it allows me to have more freedom in how I make the episodes. I made this episode a lot more like a Bear Grylls "Man vs Wild" episode with him landing on shore, finding food,water and shelter and then waking up to leave which is what I should have done in FC3 too. In FC3 I focused too much on Animals I think. This is my very first time playing Minecraft, I mean I played a few times during the week for a few minutes at a time to see how it would work and if some mods would work but not actually sitting down to play it properly so forgive this episode for being a little un-inventive as I am not sure what to do in Minecraft yet. Also if my voice sounds unenthusiastic or boring it's because I'm still suffering from a cold and have a sore throat so I couldn't go over the top and it kind of sounds a bit dull listening back to it now but bear with me. Let me know what you guys think of the new format or if you like Minecraft and want to see more like this or if you would like Surivival Hunter to do other games too. I chose Minecraft for 2 simple reasons, it has a LOT of freedom and allows you to do almost anything and secondly because the Minecraft fanbase is absolutely enormous and there is a better chance of this being seen that any other game that would fit the format

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