

Crysis 3 PC Shotgun Domination and Crash Site Tactics - No mouse acceleration (2013x30)


Hey guys what is going on? Bringing you some more Crysis 3 now. I learned today that the Scout class (Shotgun one) is extremely OP and is very easy to dominate a round with. I played for about 5-6 rounds in a row while recording this and every time I came top of the leader board by using this class. It's so much fun and very addictive. Although playing the objective was the most important part of it. I also learned how to remove mouse acceleration to make mouse movement FAR more precise and anyone who knows their mouse well should have realised that Crysis 3 has a lot of mouse acceleration added, leading you to miss a lot of shots and you can't get consistent. So to remove it follow these simple steps that were posted on Crydev.net: To get rid of mouse accel, open up notepad and paste the following commands: i_mouse_accel 0 i_mouse_smooth 0 i_mouse_accel_max 0 Save that in Program Files (x86) / Origin Games / Crysis 3 MP Open Beta as 'autoexec.cfg' and make sure to set the file type to 'Any File' rather than .txt I will keep the Crysis 3 videos coming for as long as the beta is up so if you guys wanna see something from it, whether it be a certain gun, tactic or anything from the PC version if you are unable to play it, please let me know and I will cover it for you. Thanks for watching :)

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