Family Finders
Episode 10 (2x10)
When Tony Robinson was a boy he was sent to an open-air boarding school for children with ill health, and, during the two years that he was away, his parents made the heart-breaking decision to give up their new baby son for adoption. Following his parents' death years later, Tony found paperwork from an adoption agency and decided to investigate. His search led him to a brother, Stephen, who he'd never known existed. The brothers met up and have been in contact ever since. Tony then discovered that his parents had given not one but two babies up for adoption and so that he had another brother, Ian, out there somewhere. Several searches for Ian had hit a brick wall when one day a message from an unknown name popped up on Tony's laptop. It turned out that Ian had changed his name to Martyn some years earlier and that Tony's little brother had found him! Today Tony, Martyn and their sister Diane are meeting up to take a trip down memory lane.
Lorraine Hall had spent her childhood believing that she was the only child of Pat and Ray Edwards, but, when Lorraine was 15, a family friend, Sylvia, died, and Lorraine was stunned by the shock revelation that Sylvia was in fact her biological mother. In a heartbeat, Lorraine discovered that Sylvia's children, whom she'd grown up playing with, were in fact her brothers and sisters. However, following Sylvia's funeral, her children were split up and moved away from the area and Lorraine returned to being an only child. Years later, Lorraine has been reunited with two of her sisters, Belinda and Donna, and today they're visiting the local crematorium where their mother's name has been entered into the book of remembrance.