You May Already Be a...KaBlammer! (3x10)
Action League Now Hit of Horror: K-Podge creates a song which hypnotises people to destroy the Action League, so Bill The Lab Guy calls Lou Rawls to Help. Prometheus & Bob Laundry:Prometheus and Bob sit in a hot spring while washing laundry, until an alien ruins the fun.
Life with Loopy In the Doghouse:Loopy gets aressted by the guad dog next door while looking for her frisbee.
Hockey Monkey Adults everywhere are looking for a Monkey and some kids who are playing hockey together. Music by Jimminy Kroekel and The Zambonis.
Henry & June Theme Sidekick: A ""sidekick"" arrives, Jimmie McGee (an Ed McMahon type, blue tux), to laugh at Henry and June's jokes in case the audience doesn't get them.