The Confidant

  • : 2012
  • : 31
  • : 0
  • TVB Jade
  • 21
  • Drama History



Lianying was ordered to slap Sanshun
Episode overview
05, 2012
In the Forbidden City, eunuch Yao Shuangxi wanted to escape from Xihua Gate, but was arrested by the eunuch Peng Sanshun of the respect room, and Sanshun anger sent Shuangxi to prison in .. show full overview
Episode 2-Dehai Receives Cixi Calligraphy
Episode overview
05, 2012
Chen Fu took the lead for Sanshun and took all the minions in Jingren Palace to the respect room for detention. Tai Wan vowed to ask Cixi to seek justice for herself. When Prince Gong .. show full overview
Episode 3-Double Happiness Meets Ghosts, Shocked
Episode overview
06, 2012
Wan Tai's concubine knelt down at the Foreign Minister of the Changchun Palace, and vowed to meet Cixi's side. Ci'an couldn't bear the suffering of Wan Tai's concubine, and urged Cixi to .. show full overview
Episode 4-Chen Fu asks for Lianying's assistance
Episode overview
07, 2012
Shuangxi took medicine to treat Yilan, who was suffering from conspiracy, but the maids evaded as soon as they heard the name, making Shuangxi feel baffled. After double happiness, she .. show full overview
Episode 5-Suicide by Taking Drugs, Sad
Episode overview
08, 2012
Yilan went to the imperial pharmacy to find Double Happiness, and Double Happiness gave her the decoction to take, but she took advantage of the double happiness and discarded the .. show full overview
Episode 6-Inviting Lian Ying to Serve Cixi
Episode overview
09, 2012
Cixi looked at Lianying with admiration because of her pleasurable wife. Dehai also repeatedly urged Lianying to work in the Changchun Palace, but Lianying was unmoved. Lian Ying knows .. show full overview
Episode 7-Cixi wants Tongzhi Emperor to temper his mind
Episode overview
12, 2012
Cixi and Prince Gong made a bet that they would leave the bicycle at the Gate of Supreme Harmony. Although the palace ladies and eunuchs knew that they would receive generous bonuses .. show full overview
Episode 8-Sanshun tries hard to please Tongzhi Emperor
Episode overview
13, 2012
Everyone at the cleaning place learned that Emperor Tongzhi was coming, and immediately cleaned the place to welcome the holy driver. When the Emperor Tongzhi first arrived in the noble .. show full overview
Episode 9-He Shuo Dissatisfied with Double Happiness
Episode overview
14, 2012
Lian Ying and Sanshun found that Emperor Tongzhi could not be found, and they were shocked to find them all. When the two found the imperial dining room, they suddenly heard that someone .. show full overview
Episode 10-Prince Gong gets sick and Cian is worried
Episode overview
15, 2012
He Shuo met Sanshun near the tower and learned that Sanshun was the eunuch who caused Shuangxi to lose his job in the imperial pharmacy, and took revenge on Shuangxi's behalf. He Shuo .. show full overview
Episode 11-hate foreigners against railroads
Episode overview
16, 2012
Cian worried about Prince Gong’s safety and stayed up all night to pray for blessings in the Taimiao, hoping that Prince Gong would recover soon. After Cian learned the news of Prince .. show full overview
Episode 12-exhausted and resigned angrily
Episode overview
20, 2012
Lian Ying ordered Double Happiness to go out of the palace to buy sandalwood for Cixi's daily life. Unexpectedly, He Shuo took this opportunity to secretly go out of the palace to have .. show full overview
Episode 13-Catch Dehai, Stop Seeking for Rescue
Episode overview
21, 2012
Ci'an asked Prince Gong to continue to serve for the court, but Prince Gong felt frustrated and did not want to help Cixi any more. Ci Ankou honey belly sword, secretly smiled in his .. show full overview
Episode 14-Seungpao's Rebellion is finally subdued
Episode overview
22, 2012
Cian ordered Shuangxi to be executed, Sanshun went to the cell to deliver the last meal for Shuangxi, and then planned to kill him. Shuangxi informed Sanshun of the murder of the Queen .. show full overview
Episode 15-Lian Ying inquire about Chen Fu's forces
Episode overview
23, 2012
A court struggle made Cixi physically and mentally exhausted, and Cixi suddenly realized that none of the officials and close relatives around him were credible, and she couldn't help .. show full overview
Episode 16-find Cixi steals the dragon robe
Episode overview
26, 2012
Since Ci'an poisoned Cixi, Cixi has always been on guard against Ci'an, which made Ci'an very uncomfortable. Ci'an wanted to rehabilitate with Cixi and would like to let Tongzhi live .. show full overview
Episode 17-Lian Ying scolds her father and forces Qian Rong away
Episode overview
27, 2012
After Cixi learned of the shocking secret, she was heartbroken. She never thought that her husband would disregard his love and leave a secret edict that could put her to death. Knowing .. show full overview
Episode 18-Tokuhae was entrusted with secretly assisting the draft
Episode overview
28, 2012
Lian Ying and Dehai found that Buren and Qian Rong were both lying in the shabby room. To help Qian Rong escape from Buren's claws, Lian Ying took action to prevent Dehai from rescuing .. show full overview
Episode 19-the emperor's love affair with Lianying
Episode overview
29, 2012
Although Dehai took good care of Xiaochai's life, it was a pity that Xiaochai was still not satisfied, and proposed to adopt a child abandoned by his friend in order to find an heir for .. show full overview
Episode 20-Challenge Cixi, Lian Ying Persuaded
Episode overview
30, 2012
Tongzhi chose Baoyin as the queen, and Cixi opposed it for various reasons, which made the emperor very unhappy. Tongzhi knew that Cixi opposed him marrying Baoyin as the queen, all .. show full overview
第21集 - 私藏「千杯飲」 康被拷問
Episode overview
03, 2012
安康因私藏「千杯飲」被帶回敬事房受嚴刑拷問,連英哄安康供出「千杯飲」的銷售地點。德海得安康的消息,帶齊人馬到小教堂內拘捕傳教士。德海直罵傳教士妖言惑眾,但傳教士堅稱「千杯飲」功效神奇,確能令太監們的肉莖重生。小釵獨守空房常悶悶不樂,德海每有離宮的機會即趕回大宅陪伴她。德海知小釵不安於室,想起了傳教士的一番說話,有所盤算。 雙喜力勸 和碩回宮 .. show full overview
第22集 - 連成一線 氣勢如虹
Episode overview
04, 2012
太和門外,連英、德海、三順、雙喜與添壽為完成了皇上的大婚而高興不已。眾人兄弟同心在宮中的勢力可謂一時無兩,如魚得水。恭親王認為皇上已大婚,慈禧理應歸政於同治,但慈禧還是認為同治處事未夠成熟,未肯撤簾。慈禧故意要同治在恭親王面前處理政事,恭親王親眼看見同治在議政之事上猶豫不決,終亦認同慈禧的決定。寶音成為皇后之後前往探望慈安,慈安特意提醒寶音是大清的元配皇后,沒有人可以廢 .. show full overview
第23集 - 和碩滑胎 痛不欲生
Episode overview
05, 2012
和碩服用了雙喜調製的安胎藥後滑胎,此事驚動了兩宮太后。慈禧明白雙喜為保和碩性命才出此下策,但無奈雙喜始終有罪,只好將他收押監牢再作定奪。和碩從慈安口中得悉滑胎全是雙喜安排,傷心得痛哭起來。慈安用心安慰和碩,指出雙喜所做的一切全因為雙喜對她仍未忘情。連英到牢房探望雙喜,雙喜將多年來對和碩魂牽夢縈的淒苦向連英訴說,連英才恍然明白雙喜對和碩的愛意未減半分,不禁動容。雙喜早把生 .. show full overview
第24集 - 慈禧撤簾 遙控政事
Episode overview
06, 2012
慈禧雖撤簾,但仍放不下家國大事,擔心同治未能控制群臣。慈禧要心腹黨羽每次早朝後到長春宮,把皇上所議之事再覆述一遍。當她得悉同治在留洋學生的問題上猶豫不決時,即找倭仁草擬諭旨迫皇上蓋印。慈禧所為等同遙距操控同治,各官員雖感不妥,亦不敢逆慈禧心意。同治對慈禧的專橫大感不滿,於是找慈安大吐苦水。慈安一面開解同治,一面提議他重修圓明園,好令慈禧高興。同治興致勃勃地草擬了重修圓明 .. show full overview
第25集 - 德海連英 兄弟同心
Episode overview
07, 2012
慈禧力排眾議誓保德海之人頭,結果同治只對德海貶官與杖責了事。德海、連英、三順與雙喜四人在迴廊與陳福相遇,陳福看見德海被打,心中暢快。陳福勸三順重新歸順自己,即可不究前嫌,但三順選擇了與德海等人共同進退。連英向陳福明言只要兄弟同心,陳福根本不能動搖各人在宮中的地位,陳福聽後卻對連英所言一笑置之。 慈安挑撥 同治慈禧 .. show full overview
第26集 - 冰釋前嫌 和好如初
Episode overview
10, 2012
和碩突然昏迷在雙喜懷中命懸一線,但雙喜有感她忘情棄愛而拒絕施救。陳福揶揄雙喜冷酷無情,雙喜痛心自責下立刻搶救和碩性命。陳福得慈安之助,重獲太監總管的身分。慈安成功令慈禧與同治帝關係決裂,更希望自己的壽命能延長,好能看到慈禧悲慘的下場。慈禧為救德海,紆尊降貴地向慈安求情,慈安恨意難平,直問慈禧這麼多年來可有對她動惻隱之心,慈禧無言以對。連英與三順到牢房探望德海,連英安排讓 .. show full overview
第27集 - 同治詐病 拒絕上朝
Episode overview
11, 2012
連英離宮後往江南水鄉與多生同住,過著寫意的生活。多生知連英對倩蓉仍然掛念,遂勸連英找倩蓉重修舊好,但連英有感虧欠了倩蓉,而沒有勇氣與她相見。倩蓉在市集內開了一賣包小店,但倩蓉製包的手藝差而未能吸引食客再次光顧,生意不景。站在遠處偷望的連英看見倩蓉的包無人問津,不禁眉頭大皺。同治帝突然患病至不能起床,皇宮上下大為憂心。孫御醫與盧御醫初診後判斷皇上患上天花,慈禧與寶音聽後感 .. show full overview
第28集 - 三順要求 連英回宮
Episode overview
12, 2012
三順因曾看見和碩的手指揮動,所以相信雙喜能把公主救醒。雙喜打算以猛藥刺激和碩,但因過程危險,必須有人長時間注意和碩的身體狀況。三順決意助雙喜把關,讓他專心一意醫治和碩。連英與倩蓉夫妻同心合力打理包子店,終令生意好轉起來,倩蓉渴望的平靜生活終能如願以償。倩蓉與連英返家途中,發現一被遺棄的嬰兒,倩蓉見棄嬰可憐遂將他帶回家欲收養。翌日,倩蓉在店內逗玩嬰孩時,嬰孩的母親出現,更 .. show full overview
第29集 - 慈禧原諒 犯錯同治
Episode overview
13, 2012
書生康有為的一番家國言論,令連英改變初衷,願意隨三順回宮協助慈禧撥亂反正。倩蓉心知連英未能忘懷德海之死,亦只好讓連英回宮為前事作個了斷。倩蓉答應在江南等候連英歸來,連英感激倩蓉的體諒。寶音無力勸諫同治帝,只好求助於慈禧,希望她能阻止皇上終日縱情女色。慈禧對同治帝心死,指不想再理會同治帝的事,寶音聽後只有黯然離去。添壽成了同治帝身邊紅人,更恣意帶皇上出宮尋歡。寶音力阻皇上 .. show full overview
第30集 - 失控虐人 慈安內疚
Episode overview
15, 2012
同治帝認清了慈安的真面目,決心與她劃清界線。慈安的計畫未能成功,對慈禧與同治帝更感憎恨。連英與三順立下大功,更獲皇上讚賞,但雙喜仍記掛陳福的事情。三順明白雙喜欲殺陳福替和碩報仇,只好跪地求雙喜放陳福一條生路,讓陳福離開皇宮。雙喜一臉豁達地表示連英與三順兩人可原諒他所犯的過錯,所以他亦能原諒陳福,三順聽後大感放心。陳福出宮後在山路茶寮遇見雙喜,雙喜邀陳福喝茶閒談。陳福看淡 .. show full overview
第31集 - (電視版大結局) 拿出遺詔 迫令退簾
Episode overview
16, 2012
全紫禁城上下嚴加控制宮中的疫情,連英忽然想起病發的宮女來自鍾粹宮,恍然明白雙喜落力協助的原因。連英急忙趕到鍾粹宮找雙喜,只見各太監在派發防疫用的麻黃湯。慈安的宮女收到麻黃湯後,立刻呈上給慈安服用。連英把雙喜要謀害東太后之事告知三順,隨即看到大批宮女在喝麻黃湯後辛苦慘叫,連英立即阻止各人服用麻黃湯。慈安幸運地在最後一刻知道麻黃湯有毒沒有喝下,更妄言說雙喜沒法加害到她。雙喜 .. show full overview
