Civil War Journal

  • : 1993
  • : 50
  • : 3
  • History
  • Documentary History War



Freedom's Road: Slavery And The Opposition
Episode overview
27, 1994
In Philadelphia in 1776, a bargain was struck with South Carolina allowing slavery—it was a deal that would lead to disaster. Though not the only issue dividing North and South, slavery would spark the Civil War.
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Episode overview
08, 1994
Confederate Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest becomes leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Battle of Chattanooga
Episode overview
25, 1994
The Battle of Chattanooga establishes Gen. Ulysses S. Grant as a major leader.
Women at War
Episode overview
06, 1994
Nurse Clara Barton and spy Rosa Greenhow are among women who take on new roles during the conflict.
Episode overview
03, 1994
Flamboyant Zouaves copy Algerian troop tactics, drills and daring.
The Battle of Franklin & Nashville
Episode overview
17, 1994
The Union army defeated the Confederates in the 1864 battles at Franklin and Nashville as spectators watched.
Preserving the Past
Episode overview
07, 1994
Commercial development threatens historic battlefields.
Lincoln and Gettysburg
Episode overview
14, 1994
In 1863 Abraham Lincoln dedicates the military cemetery at Gettysburg.
Shadows of Lightning: Jeb Stuart & the Cavalry
Episode overview
21, 1994
Jeb Stuart, Virginia general and secret weapon of the South, originated the legend of the "unstoppable cavalry."
Terrible Swift Sword: The Union Cavalry
Episode overview
28, 1994
Gens. Buford and Sheridan played important parts in the history of the federal cavalry.
Civil War Spies
Episode overview
02, 1994
Union and Confederacy employ spies.
War Crimes: The Death Camps
Episode overview
09, 1994
POW camps; crimes against prisoners.
The Traitor President: Jefferson Davis
Episode overview
16, 1994
Jefferson Davis; Mexican War; president of the Confederacy.
Gen. James Longstreet: Lee's Prodigal Son
Episode overview
23, 1994
The South blames Gen. James Longstreet for defeat at Gettysburg.
Garden of the Dead: The Story of Arlington Cemetery
Episode overview
06, 1994
Gen. Robert E. Lee's Arlington, Va., home becomes a national military cemetery.
The Battle of Charleston
Episode overview
20, 1994
Union forces lay siege to Charleston, S.C., by land and sea
Iron Jaws: The Killing Power of Civil War Artillery
Episode overview
27, 1994
Industrial-age weapons first appear on Civil War battlefields.
Caught in Maelstrom: Civilians in War
Episode overview
04, 1994
Sharpshooters kill Jenny Wade at Gettysburg; 73-year-old John Burns takes arms.
The Taking of New Orleans
Episode overview
11, 1994
This episode has no summary.
The Battle/Siege of Vicksburg
Episode overview
25, 1994
The story of the horrific fight for the strategically vital Mississippi city. Under heavy bombardment, the streets flowed with blood as civilians fled to shelters and caves.
Mr. Lincolns Butcher: Gen Ulysses S Grant
Episode overview
05, 1995
Lincoln gives Grant command of the Union Army.
Born Killers: The Iron Brigade
Episode overview
26, 1995
The Iron Brigade fought heroically at Brawner's Farm, South Mountain and Antietam before suffering devastating losses at Gettysburg.
Divided Houses: Families Split by War
Episode overview
09, 1995
Men fight against their own family and friends during the Civil War.
The Boy Generals
Episode overview
16, 1995
Profiles young men who rose to high rank in the Civil War.
Yank vs Reb: The Foot Soliders Life
Episode overview
23, 1995
Rare photographs depict the deprivations of a soldier's life.
Trains at War
Episode overview
11, 1995
While both sides needed trains, the Union alone had the knowledge and equipment necessary to build them.
Dan Sickles: The General Who Got Away with Murder
Episode overview
02, 1995
In 1859, Rep. Dan Sickles is acquitted of murder by reason of temporary insanity, then he becomes a Union general.
First Ladies North and South
Episode overview
09, 1995
This episode has no summary.