India: A Love Story

  • : 2009
  • : 203
  • : 0
  • TV Globo
  • 20
  • Adventure Drama Romance Soap



Chapter 1
Episode overview
19, 2009
Opash humiliates Bahuan. Shankar adopts Bahuan, who grows up to become a PhD. Maya meets Bahuan. Ramiro and Raul argue and exchange punches in the office. Raj asks Dudley to marry him.
Chapter 2
Episode overview
20, 2009
Pandit reveals a storm in Raj's future. Bahuan tells Shankar that he met Maya. Pandit says Maya is the ideal bride for Raj. Raul hides the whereabouts of his father's money.
Chapter 3
Episode overview
21, 2009
Opash is furious with Raj and tries to convince him to give up marrying Dudley. Ramiro suspects that Murilo is Raul's accomplice. Bahuan wonders if Maya would marry a Dalit.
Chapter 4
Episode overview
22, 2009
Sílvia meets Yvone again. Murilo kisses Chiara. Komal falls in love with Rani. Manu talks to Maya about marriage. Opash makes a decision about Dudley and surprises Raj.
Chapter 5
Episode overview
23, 2009
Ramiro decides to carry out an audit at Cadore. Raul vents to Yvone. Maya pressures Bahuan to tell Shankar the truth. Raj confronts Opash and tells him he is going to marry Dudley.
Chapter 6
Episode overview
24, 2009
Maya asks her father to introduce her to a boy. Bahuan talks to Shankar. Raj tries to talk to Opash about Dudley. Raul asks Yvone for help. Komal goes through a ritual with Pandit.
Chapter 7
Episode overview
26, 2009
Ruth and Berê meet with Zeca and Ilana. Tarso freaks out after talking to Gilda. Aída suspects Yvone. Indira stops eating and makes drama for Raj. Maya and Bahuan meet.
Chapter 8
Episode overview
27, 2009
Komal gets married and Bahuan attends the wedding behind Maya. Zeca is suspended. Aída talks to Sílvia that she didn't like Yvone. Indira tries to talk to Raj. Ramiro makes a request to Tarso.
Chapter 9
Episode overview
28, 2009
Raj communicates his decision to the family. Komal and Rani go to the room and the women in the house try to peek. Yvone tries to put ideas in Raul's head. César goes to school.
Chapter 10
Episode overview
29, 2009
Maya makes a suggestion to her father, who insists on meeting Bahuan's intermediary. Raul and Sílvia fight. Cadore suspects Yvone. Raj tells Duda that he is going to Brazil.
Chapter 11
Episode overview
30, 2009
Manu puts pressure on Bahuan. Raj tries to talk to Dudley. Pandit negotiates dowry with Opash. Ademir doesn't come home. Norminha becomes interested in Indra. Shankar decides to return.
Chapter 12
Episode overview
31, 2009
Shankar refuses to lie and Bahuan is distressed. Ramiro invades Raul's house and confronts him. Cadore and Dr. Márcio are delighted with Suellen. Chiara puts Raj against the wall.
Chapter 13
Episode overview
02, 2009
Raj tells Dudley the truth. Yvone continues to poison Raul's mind. Maya meets with Bahuan, who tries to tell her her secret. Surya gossips about Ravi. Camila travels with Dario.
Chapter 14
Episode overview
03, 2009
Raj tries to explain himself to Dudley and she throws herself into the sea. Raj looks for Chiara. Armed, Ramiro invades Raul's house. Dario talks to Aída. Shankar gives Bahuan an ultimatum.
Chapter 15
Episode overview
04, 2009
Maya is shocked by Bahuan's revelation. Manu discovers the truth. Mário disagrees with Suellen. Camila returns home. Dario, Gabi and Ramiro meet at the company.
Chapter 16
Episode overview
05, 2009
Maya and Manu fight. Dudley makes a bold decision. Raul arranges a meeting with Yvone. Bahuan makes a proposal to Maya. Pandit reads Maya's horoscope and makes a discovery.
Chapter 17
Episode overview
06, 2009
Manu tells Kochi about Maya's curse. Dudley decides to go to India. Bahuan prepares to run away with his beloved. Leinha meets Dario at the inauguration. Tarso and Tônia exchange looks.
Chapter 18
Episode overview
07, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 19
Episode overview
09, 2009
Yvone and Raul meet. Shankar defends Hari at school. Opash sets the day when Raj will visit Maya. Bahuan buys the tickets. Yvone gives a definitive suggestion to Raul.
Chapter 20
Episode overview
10, 2009
Tarso vents to Tônia. Karan demands Opash to accept Raj's company to manage the business. Shankar catches Bahuan and Maya. Raul asks for the full transfer of the money.
Chapter 21
Episode overview
11, 2009
Cadore asks if Raul has a lover. Maya makes a deal with Komal. Raul asks Yvone to marry him. Surya says Amitav has fertility issues. Maya marries a tree.
Chapter 22
Episode overview
12, 2009
Raj discovers that Dudley is in India. Laksmi tells Amitav that Surya accused him of being infertile. Dario is unmasked. Wal reveals to Cadore that Ramiro wants to divide the company.
Chapter 23
Episode overview
13, 2009
Raj and Duda spend the night together. Sílvia puts pressure on Raul. Cadore decides to intervene in the crisis between his children. Yvone tries to convince Raul to keep the company's money.
Chapter 24
Episode overview
14, 2009
Raj and Maya's families reunite. Surya feels threatened by Raj's fiancée. Júlia tries to talk to her father. Laksmi makes a discovery about Raj and tells Opash.
Chapter 25
Episode overview
16, 2009
Duda and Raj argue and she makes a decision. Opash and Laksmi suspect Raj. Tarso catches his girlfriend kissing someone else. Cadore threatens Raul. Yvone sets up Sílvia and Raul.
Chapter 26
Episode overview
17, 2009
Maya finds Bahuan hiding. Dario tries to bring Camila into the conversation. Sílvia confronts Raul. Indra finds Berê's notebook. Melissa arranges the family for an interview.
Chapter 27
Episode overview
18, 2009
Melissa watches Sílvia to gather information. Raul creates theories about his wife and Yvone instigates him. Kochi catches Maya trying to escape. Pandit gives good news to Manu and his family.
Chapter 28
Episode overview
19, 2009
Tarso takes extreme measures to avoid going to his father's company. Yvone sets Murilo up and poisons Raul's mind. Aída puts Dario against the wall. Maya tries to run away from home.
Chapter 29
Episode overview
20, 2009
Maya and Bahuan have sex and exchange vows of love. Kochi surprises Maya and fights with her daughter. Tarso leaves without warning and leaves the family worried. Dario asks Camila for a break.
Chapter 30
Episode overview
21, 2009
Kochi fights with Maya and Deva covers for her friend. Yvone intrigues Raul and Murilo. Bahuan book your trip. Tarso challenges Ramiro. Maya and Bahuan meet and Manu sees it.
Chapter 31
Episode overview
23, 2009
Komal worries about Maya's whereabouts. Eliseu receives a scholarship. Ernesto surprises his children. Raj and Bahuan clash at a polo match.
Chapter 32
Episode overview
24, 2009
Ramiro fights with Raul and echoes Ernesto's questions. Tarsus is cornered by his father. Sarya reveals that she is pregnant. Dudley is surprised by a gift from Raj.
Chapter 33
Episode overview
25, 2009
Bahuan disappoints Maya by telling her his plans. Raul catches Sílvia and Murilo having dinner. Zeca gets ready on the street. Surya is spoiled by her in-laws. Opash looks for Shankar.
Chapter 34
Episode overview
26, 2009
Bahuan shouts at Opash. Sílvia follows Raul to Yvone's hotel. Raj calls Chiara. Opash decides not to let Raj travel alone. Ramiro confirms the details of the invasion.
Chapter 35
Episode overview
27, 2009
Radesh gets desperate and calls an ambulance. Tônia hears Melissa talking bad about her. Bahuan receives a letter from Maya. Shankar is at risk of being expelled from his caste.
Chapter 36
Episode overview
28, 2009
Hari is chased on the street and Bahuan defends him. Ramiro cries for his brother. Rani suspects that Maya is meeting the Brahmin. Opash and Amitav pressure Surya to go to the doctor.
Chapter 37
Episode overview
02, 2009
Ravi is impressed by Maya's beauty. Tarso thinks about looking for a psychologist. Indra posts Zeca's video on the internet. Maya prepares to run away. Bahuan says goodbye to his father.
Chapter 38
Episode overview
03, 2009
Maya faces Kochi and goes to meet Bahuan. Raul returns to the mansion. Bahuan travels to America. Fontes looks for Ramiro. Opash is reported. Aída warns Sílvia about Yvone.
Chapter 39
Episode overview
04, 2009
Maya returns home, but Kochi doesn't speak to her daughter. Cadore alerts Sílvia about Yvone and Raul's approach. Júlia questions Raul's feelings. Gabi is suspicious of Dario.
Chapter 40
Episode overview
05, 2009
Tarso and Tônia are embarrassed after kissing. Manu provokes Kochi. Ravi arrives in Brazil and meets Leinha's family. Ramiro puts pressure on Dario to search for Raul's computer.
Chapter 41
Episode overview
06, 2009
Dario is released. Raul makes peace with Ramiro. Shankar advises Maya. Ernesto discovers Raul's secret. César blames the teachers for the situation with Zeca.
Chapter 42
Episode overview
07, 2009
Ernesto accuses Ramiro of the attack on his brother. Indra is beaten by Zeca and his friends. Raul breaks up with Sílvia. Ravi and Camila kiss. Maya doesn't read Bahuan's letter.
Chapter 43
Episode overview
09, 2009
Raj and Dudley spend the night together, but then she leaves without saying goodbye. Yvone poisons Raul against the family. Ravi and Camila kiss goodbye. Maya feels sick.
Chapter 44
Episode overview
10, 2009
Maya suspects she is pregnant. Ramiro tries to make things right with Raul. Raj advises Ravi about his relationship with Camila. Tarso and Tônia start dating.
Chapter 45
Episode overview
11, 2009
Ondina catches Yvone and Raul together. Yvone tells Sílvia that Raul tried to grab her. Maya deceives her parents and sees a doctor. Duda feels unwell and Chiara is suspicious of the symptoms.
Chapter 46
Episode overview
12, 2009
Desperate, Maya writes to Bahuan. Opash fights with Raj, who assures him that the breakup with Duda was final. Dudley discovers she is pregnant. Sílvia asks for a divorce.
Chapter 47
Episode overview
13, 2009
Shankar advises Maya to give up Bahuan and marry Raj. Pandit gets suspicious when Maya gets dizzy again. Raj and Maya meet. Dudley makes a decision.
Chapter 48
Episode overview
14, 2009
Interpol is looking for Yvone. Ademir has an outburst and harms his brother. Bahuan receives Raj’s letter. Indira overhears Surya and Durga's conversation. Deva discovers one of Maya's secrets.
Chapter 49
Episode overview
16, 2009
Tônia talks to Sílvia about Murilo. Camila asks her mother to go to India. César makes a request to Aída. Duda surprises Chiara. Tarsus asks his grandfather for help. Maya calls Raj.
Chapter 50
Episode overview
17, 2009
Cadore talks to Ramiro and Melissa about Tarso. Maya and Raj meet for dinner. Chiara and Duda plan the trip. Cadore goes to Murilo's house and makes him a proposal.
Chapter 51
Episode overview
18, 2009
Maya despairs over Bahuan's letter. Amitav and Raj fight intensely. Melissa tries to find Tarso a girlfriend. Cadore introduces Murilo to Ramiro as his new advisor.
Chapter 52
Episode overview
19, 2009
Yvone suggests that Raul fake his own death. Zeca gets ready on the street. Maya and Raj got ready for the wedding. Bahuan finds out that Maya is getting married. Norminha makes a proposal to Indra.
Chapter 53
Episode overview
20, 2009
Maya and Raj's wedding ritual begins. Radesh is shot at. Indra recognizes Dario. Yvone brings Sílvia back to Raul. Raj makes a promise to Maya. Bahuan arrives in India.
Chapter 54
Episode overview
21, 2009
Tarso reveals to Inês that he heard voices. Raul and Sílvia set the date for the trip. Maya and Raj exchange glances. Maya gifts Surya. Deva wears Maya’s bridal saree.
Chapter 55
Episode overview
23, 2009
Deva pressures Bahuan to get married and he reveals that he is a Dalit. Tarsus has a new outbreak. Cadore questions Raul's intentions. Zeca creates a fake website. Manu hands Maya to Opash.
Chapter 56
Episode overview
24, 2009
Raj proposes to Maya not to ask questions about the past. Raul confesses to Sílvia that he already cheated on her. Tarso has a crisis in front of Tônia. Bahuan attacks Raj in the middle of the street.
Chapter 57
Episode overview
25, 2009
Maya cries when saying goodbye to Bahuan and Raj is suspicious. Kochi finds a letter in Maya's room. Yvone follows the plan with Raul. Pandit reassures Opash with some news.
Chapter 58
Episode overview
26, 2009
Manu begs Shankar for help. Suellen and Norminha fight. Tônia is proposed to. Yvone obtains false documents. Duda prepares to meet Raj.
Chapter 59
Episode overview
27, 2009
Kochi presses Deva and asks if Maya got married as a virgin. Amitav complains about Maya and exchanges punches with Raj. Tarso decides to live with Tônia. Maya feels unwell and Surya raises suspicions.
Chapter 60
Episode overview
28, 2009
Raul thinks about giving up on the plan. Raj notices that Maya is unhappy. Surya reveals to Maya that Raj was with Duda before getting married. Kochi suspects that Bahuan is the father of Maya's baby.
Chapter 61
Episode overview
30, 2009
Raul travels with Sílvia and Júlia and puts the plan into practice. Shankar reveals his past with Laksmi. Kochi pressures Maya to say if her son is Raj's. Yvone applies the medicine to Raul.
Chapter 62
Episode overview
31, 2009
Júlia finds Raul dead. Sílvia despairs and hugs her husband's body. Yvone takes care of every detail of the wake. Bahuan promises to take revenge on Maya and Raj. Raul prepares to escape.
Chapter 63
Episode overview
01, 2009
Sílvia blames Ramiro for Raul's death. Inês sees the call history on Raul's cell phone. Tarso has a crisis and attacks a boy. Raj discovers that Maya has Dudley's photo.
Chapter 64
Episode overview
02, 2009
Cadore insists on opening the coffin and Yvone becomes tense. Murilo loses his patience when he sees Tônia hurt. Maya asks Raj for forgiveness. Rani catches Komal flirting with a foreigner.
Chapter 65
Episode overview
03, 2009
Cadore makes a proposal to Júlia. Leinha tries to recover his dollars. Opash prepares a surprise for Maya. Norminha sets up Indra. Ramiro meets with Sílvia.
Chapter 66
Episode overview
04, 2009
Raj discovers that Maya burned Duda's photo. Tarso moves into the flat. Ravi confesses to Camila and Karan catches him. Bahuan packs his bags to return to India. Duda looks for Opash.
Chapter 67
Episode overview
06, 2009
Júlia finds Raul's letters. Duda introduces herself to Opash and he takes her to the office to talk. Ramiro changes Tarso's look. Maya worries about the trip to Dubai.
Chapter 68
Episode overview
07, 2009
Opash takes a fortune from the safe and looks for Duda. Indira and her family suspect Opash. César takes Zeca to testify. Shankar tries to advise Bahuan. Indira looks for Pandit.
Chapter 69
Episode overview
08, 2009
Indira goes on a hunger strike because of her husband's betrayal. Opash shows the video of Raj's wedding and agrees to take on Duda's son. Cadore disapproves of Ramiro and supports Sílvia.
Chapter 70
Episode overview
09, 2009
Ramiro decides to sue Sílvia. Duda sees Raj and Maya together and decides to leave India. Sílvia appoints Murilo as her representative at Cadore. Tarso is admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
Chapter 71
Episode overview
10, 2009
ndira runs away from home. Castanho declares himself to Suellen. Ramiro is shaken when he sees Tarso and hides his son's hospitalization from his family. Duda leaves India. Opash goes after Indira.
Chapter 72
Episode overview
11, 2009
Raul and Yvone celebrate their new life in Dubai. Bahuan sends an invitation to Raj and he gets angry. Tônia continues to search for Tarsus' whereabouts. Indira and Opash hide a secret.
Chapter 73
Episode overview
13, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 74
Episode overview
14, 2009
Dr. Mário tries to warn Ramiro about Tarso. Duda receives a telegram from Opash. Norminha attacks Daisy. Surya messes with Maya. Indians protest against Bahuan. Inês calls Tônia.
Chapter 75
Episode overview
15, 2009
César is furious to learn that Aída has reopened the pension case. Norminha asks Indra to accompany her. Bahuan talks to his partner. In Dubai, Maya comes up with a plan.
Chapter 76
Episode overview
16, 2009
Maya asks Rani to take the exam in her place. Zeca plans a fight in the street. Dr. Mário pays a visit to Tarsus. Surya decides to plot against Maya. Raj plans a surprise.
Chapter 77
Episode overview
17, 2009
Opash meets with Chiara to close deals. Tarso decides to return to his apartment. Duda receives a call from India and decides to call Raj. Chiara sets Opash up.
Chapter 78
Episode overview
18, 2009
Laksmi and Shankar exchange looks and think about the past. Chiara takes Opash to a dance club. Murilo thinks about Sílvia during a meeting. Tarsus has strong hallucinations and despairs.
Chapter 79
Episode overview
20, 2009
Ramiro calls a psychiatrist for Tarso. Júlia discovers that she is going to lose her house and asks Yvone for help. Manu says he felt Maya's baby and Kochi discovers her daughter's setup.
Chapter 80
Episode overview
21, 2009
Kochi rips off Maya's sari and unmasks her daughter. Manu tells Raj that he felt the baby move. Sílvia faces Ramiro. Bahuan is suspicious of Opash. Maya writes to Bahuan.
Chapter 81
Episode overview
22, 2009
Yvone surprises Sílvia on her return to Brazil. Castanho realizes that Tarso is not receiving the necessary medical care. César receives a prison sentence. Surya intrigues Maya about Raj.
Chapter 82
Episode overview
23, 2009
Maya answers Duda's call. Ilana and Aída argue about César's arrest. Amitav worries about losing control of the store's money. Maya feels guilty for lying.
Chapter 83
Episode overview
24, 2009
Shankar recalls his former forbidden love and how he was expelled from his caste. Yvone opens Raul's safe. Cadore takes Tarso to the clinic. Tarso consults with Dr. Castanho.
Chapter 84
Episode overview
25, 2009
Cadore and Sílvia realize that the safe has been stolen. Ramiro and Melissa discuss Tarso's situation. Inês catches Ramiro and Gabi in a bar. Opash agrees to marry Ravi soon.
Chapter 85
Episode overview
27, 2009
Cadore and Ondina move into Ramiro's house. Ramiro declares himself to Gabi. Opash is suspicious of Maya's belly. Sílvia rips up the eviction notice and Ramiro orders the electricity to be cut off in the house.
Chapter 86
Episode overview
28, 2009
Bahuan finds out that Raj is going to be a father. Melissa throws away Tarso's medicine. Kochi runs away with Maya to the village. Dudley's water breaks. Maya goes into labor.
Chapter 87
Episode overview
29, 2009
Duda and Maya's babies are born. Opash and Indira decide to go after Maya. Camila, Leinha and Júlia arrive in Dubai. Tarsus looks for his medicine. Maya is scared by Kochi's attitude.
Chapter 88
Episode overview
30, 2009
Kochi changes the babies and Maya despairs. Ondina looks for Sílvia. Opash receives a call from Brazil. Ramiro sets up Sílvia to get her to leave the mansion. Wal calls Cadore.
Chapter 89
Episode overview
01, 2009
Gopal distrusts Yvone. Sílvia discovers what Ramiro did at the mansion. Maya despairs about missing her son. Ravi and Camila run away from Leinha and Júlia. Tarsus has hallucinations.
Chapter 90
Episode overview
02, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 91
Episode overview
04, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 92
Episode overview
05, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 93
Episode overview
06, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 94
Episode overview
07, 2009
Sílvia argues with Ramiro and is expelled from Bahuan's party. Murilo declares himself to Sílvia. Tarso surprises everyone when he returns home. Surya sabotages the drink prepared by Maya.
Chapter 95
Episode overview
08, 2009
Sílvia agrees to assume the relationship with Murilo. Kochi convinces Maya not to travel to Brazil. Ravi meets his fiancée. Maya apologizes to Karan and Laksmi. Melissa criticizes Tônia.
Chapter 96
Episode overview
09, 2009
Cadore manages to access Raul's bank account details. Opash scolds Ravi for getting involved with a foreigner and forbids him from seeing Camila. Radesh insinuates himself to Norminha.
Chapter 97
Episode overview
11, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 98
Episode overview
12, 2009
Shankar teaches Shanti how to marry for love. Ravi asks Camila to marry him. Duda calls Raj, but Maya answers. Raj tells Maya that he will meet Bahuan at a party.
Chapter 99
Episode overview
13, 2009
Raj recognizes Dudley's necklace around Melissa's neck. Ravi steals the flame of the holy fire and marries Camila. Cadore writes to Maya.
Chapter 100
Episode overview
14, 2009
In front of the Cadore board, Bahuan extends his hand and forces Raj to greet a Dalit man. Padit confirms that Ravi is married. Ramiro accuses Murilo and the two exchange punches.
Chapter 101
Episode overview
15, 2009
Duda sees that Raj has moved on. Camila burns her passport to avoid leaving India. Gopal suspects Yvone. Harima alerts Kochi about an unexpected visitor. Raj goes to Bahuan’s house.
Chapter 102
Episode overview
16, 2009
Manu becomes suspicious of Kochi and Harima's conversations. The Ananda despise Camila. Melissa is suspicious of Ramiro. Ramiro finds out about Raul's account. Gopal catches Yvone with the architect.
Chapter 103
Episode overview
18, 2009
A woman hands the baby that Maya breastfed to Manu. Raj looks for Duda. Karan warns Laksmi about Shankar. Shankar asks Puja for favor. Tarso realizes that Tônia is running away from him.
Chapter 104
Episode overview
19, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 105
Episode overview
20, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 106
Episode overview
21, 2009
Maya reveals to Raj the pressure Raul's family has against her. Shankar questions Laksmi about the past. Ravi and Camila's wedding procession begins. Daisy and Norminha are arrested.
Chapter 107
Episode overview
22, 2009
Raj takes a call from Cadore. Puja tells Shankar that Laksmi loves him. Gopal discovers Yvone's lie. Camila is welcomed by the Ananda. Bahuan plans revenge.
Chapter 108
Episode overview
23, 2009
Camila and Ravi have their first night of love. Maya is touched by Opash's affection for Niraj. Ramiro accuses Murilo of having closed Raul's account. Raul dismisses Gopal.
Chapter 109
Episode overview
25, 2009
Raj gives Cadore an ultimatum and threatens to look for Ramiro. Lucas tells Duda that Antônio has a serious illness. Bahuan discovers that Raj had a son with Duda. Ramiro lies to Melissa.
Chapter 110
Episode overview
26, 2009
Castanho asks Suellen to marry him. Yvone presents Gopal with poisoned chocolates. Kochi catches Komal playing. The police are looking for Lucas. Shankar sends gift to Laksmi.
Chapter 111
Episode overview
27, 2009
Gopal's dog eats a candy and faints. Melissa discovers that the address is Gabi's. Yvone makes a decision. Murilo buys a ring. Shankar sends magala sutra to Laksmi.
Chapter 112
Episode overview
28, 2009
Laksmi remembers the past with Shankar. Melissa hits Gabi. Tarso gets nervous with Tônia and breaks objects in the apartment. Laksmi tells Opash to withdraw the complaint against Shankar.
Chapter 113
Episode overview
29, 2009
Laksmi talks to Shankar. Pandit decides to investigate the Ananda. Suellen agrees to marry Castanho. Maya receives letter from Bahuan and hides it in a book. Raj puts the book in the suitcase.
Chapter 114
Episode overview
30, 2009
Gopal tells Raul about Yvone's lies and that he got poisoned chocolates from her. Bahuan discovers that Dudley was Raj's fiancée. Shankar exposes Opash. Surya sends a message to Duda.
Chapter 115
Episode overview
01, 2009
Cadore makes an alliance with Sílvia. Karan pressures Laksmi to intervene in Shankar's complaint against his son. Murilo asks Sílvia to marry him. Yvone holds Raul to the bed with handcuffs.
Chapter 116
Episode overview
02, 2009
Mike and Yvone arrive in India. Gopal confirms that Yvone and Mike ran away. Raul discovers that he was robbed. Júlia accuses Ramiro of stealing from her house. Raj and Maya arrive in Brazil.
Chapter 117
Episode overview
03, 2009
Bahuan thinks about Maya. Laksmi tells Karan that she is willing to reveal the truth to Shankar. Durga reveals to Opash that Laksmi went out alone at night. Júlia disappears and worries the family.
Chapter 118
Episode overview
04, 2009
Laksmi cries remembering her pregnancy and past with Shankar. Norminha dismisses Indra. Bahuan calls Maya. Manu asks Shankar for help. Júlia does not accept living in Murilo's house.
Chapter 119
Episode overview
05, 2009
Bahuan approaches Maya during dinner. Inês discovers that Maya was Raul's secretary. Inês and Cadore introduce themselves to Raj. Sonya reveals to Kochi about Bahuan's letter.
Chapter 120
Episode overview
06, 2009
Raj finds Cadore. Surya tells Shanti that Opash is looking for a groom for her. Tarso has a new crisis after a disagreement with Murilo. Duda discovers that Camila is Opash's daughter-in-law.
Chapter 121
Episode overview
08, 2009
Maya and Duda exchange barbs and compete for Raj's love. Maya suspects that Duda's son is Raj's. Pandit tells that Opash is going to trial and Laksmi takes a stand.
Chapter 122
Episode overview
09, 2009
Bahuan tries to kiss Maya and gets slapped in the face. A letter from Raul's bank arrives for Maya. Raul calls Maya. Opash and Shankar come face to face for Judgment.
Chapter 123
Episode overview
10, 2009
Bahuan asks Raj about his children. Laksmi invades the trial venue and makes a revelation about Shankar. Raj delivers Raul's mail to Cadore.
Chapter 124
Episode overview
11, 2009
César introduces Raj and Maya to Lucas and Duda. Zeca destroys the pastry shop's facade. In an outburst, Tarso attacks Lucas. Camila finds the mangala sutra that Laksmi got from Shankar.
Chapter 125
Episode overview
12, 2009
Indira insists that Opash investigate Shankar and Laksmi's past. Surya poisons Amitav against Maya. Raul tells Gopal that he abandoned everything for Yvone. Bahuan makes a discovery.
Chapter 126
Episode overview
13, 2009
Cadore is suspicious of Raj. Tarso finds a gun at home and decides to threaten Lucas. Maya attacks Surya and hits her sister-in-law. Sílvia is unable to teach Zeca's class.
Chapter 147
Episode overview
15, 2009
Norminha helps Suellen in the attack by Zeca and his gang. Aída asks Dário for time. Tônia receives advice to stay away from Tarsus. Lucas asks Duda to marry him.
Chapter 128
Episode overview
16, 2009
Gopal offers to help Raul against Yvone. Camila continues trying to understand the new customs in India. Opash is worried about the stars' predictions.
Chapter 129
Episode overview
17, 2009
Raj is furious with Maya when he discovers the secret. Indira takes action in Surya and Maya's situation. Ilana tells Bahuan about Duda's son. Tarsus goes after Lucas.
Chapter 130
Episode overview
18, 2009
Ramiro worries about Tarso's disappearance. Aída can't resist Dario's attack. Shanti finds a suitor. Opash is suspicious of Shankar and Laksmi's conversation.
Chapter 131
Episode overview
19, 2009
Melissa takes the blame for the crime committed by Tarso. César is furious with Aída and Dario's kiss. Mike and Yvone find the sketch. Raj and Maya reconcile.
Chapter 132
Episode overview
20, 2009
Shivani surprises Bahuan by knowing the truth. Opash celebrates the news told by Chiara. Kochi gives Raj Humberto's address. Ernesto announces that he is getting married.
Chapter 133
Episode overview
22, 2009
Ernesto and Inês are suspicious of Raj's information. Júlia gets involved with Beca and generates concern. Gopal meets Yvone and Mike at the airport. Surya discovers Opash's secret.
Chapter 134
Episode overview
23, 2009
Laksmi and Shankar meet and talk about the past. Gopal and Raul discover Yvone and Mike's fate. Tarso goes to the clinic to find Lucas.
Chapter 135
Episode overview
24, 2009
Maya despairs over a letter from Bahuan. Surya discovers Raj's secret. Inês is worried about Tarso and asks Castanho for help. Kochi counters Manu's accusations against his son.
Chapter 136
Episode overview
25, 2009
Maya slaps Surya in the face when she says that Antonio is Raj's son. Júlia tells Beca that she wants to get revenge on Ramiro. Surya refuses to obey Indira. Sílvia looks for Beca.
Chapter 137
Episode overview
26, 2009
Indira tells Opash that Surya found out the truth about Raj's son. Júlia faces Sílvia. Daisy provokes Abel. Gopal gives Raul a ticket to go to India.
Chapter 138
Episode overview
27, 2009
Dario calls Camila. The police go to Ramiro's mansion looking for the gun. Gopal and Raul arrive in India. Lucas catches Duda talking to Opash. Lucas asks Duda for some time.
Chapter 139
Episode overview
29, 2009
Shanti accepts an invitation to perform in Bollywood. Bahuan discovers secret about Komal. Tarso meets Castanho again. Opash confronts Bahuan. Maya and Surya exchange insults.
Chapter 140
Episode overview
30, 2009
Shankar asks Laksmi to reveal the secret she is keeping about her past. Suellen gives up on getting married, after discovering Castanho's plan. Yvone targets Nanda as her next target.
Chapter 141
Episode overview
01, 2009
Júlia participates in an armed invasion of a building. Castanho is disappointed with Suellen's decision. Raul gets a new job. Shanti reveals her secret to Camila.
Chapter 142
Episode overview
02, 2009
Yvone puts her plan to get closer to Ramiro into practice. The news of the attack on the building spreads. Sílvia fights with Júlia for getting involved with Beca. Bahuan blackmails Maya.
Chapter 143
Episode overview
03, 2009
Amitav accuses Shankar of misrepresenting Anusha. Tarso is available for treatment at the clinic. Laksmi forbids Amitav from taking revenge on Shankar. Yvone decides to get Cadore out of her way.
Chapter 144
Episode overview
04, 2009
Puja's house is set on fire and the perpetrator is identified. Shankar argues with Opash and accuses Amitav. Cidinha and Cadore insist that Melissa accept Tarso's treatment.
Chapter 145
Episode overview
06, 2009
Opash decides to return Surya and Maya to their families. Yvone approaches Melissa. Maya tries to take her son away with her. Opash surprises everyone with a new decision.
Chapter 146
Episode overview
07, 2009
Amitav is forced to confess his crime. Ramiro seduces Yvone. Opash proves that Tony is not Raj's son. Ruth calls a parents' meeting. Shanti discovers that she is going to work abroad.
Chapter 147
Episode overview
08, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 148
Episode overview
09, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 149
Episode overview
10, 2009
Mike and Yvone hatch a plan against Nanda. Shankar surprises Opash with statement. Raj receives an invitation to Shivani's party. Júlia devises a plan with Beca against Ramiro.
Chapter 150
Episode overview
11, 2009
Maya gets rid of Raj's accusations by blaming Bahuan. Durga finds out the name of Gopal's guest. Suellen and Castanho get back together. Nanda takes Yvone and Mike's bait.
Chapter 151
Episode overview
13, 2009
Raj and Maya are suspicious of Gopal. Ernesto tells Ramiro about Raul's account. Murilo and Sílvia celebrate their wedding. Manu is enraged by Komal's behavior.
Chapter 152
Episode overview
14, 2009
Gopal and Raul manage to escape from Raj. Sílvia and Murilo get married. Amitav approves Anusha's plans. Rani worries about Komal after the boy's disappearance.
Chapter 153
Episode overview
15, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 154
Episode overview
16, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 155
Episode overview
17, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 156
Episode overview
18, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 157
Episode overview
20, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 158
Episode overview
21, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 159
Episode overview
22, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 160
Episode overview
23, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 161
Episode overview
24, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 162
Episode overview
25, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 163
Episode overview
27, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 164
Episode overview
28, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 165
Episode overview
29, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 166
Episode overview
30, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 167
Episode overview
31, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 168
Episode overview
01, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 169
Episode overview
03, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 170
Episode overview
04, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 171
Episode overview
05, 2009
Raj discovers that Humberto Cunha was handcuffed in the hotel room and that Yvone tried to kill Gopal. César demands that Opash give Camila a pension. Aída suspects that Camila is pregnant.
Chapter 172
Episode overview
06, 2009
Melissa recognizes the jewelry and discovers that Yvone is Ramiro's lover. Raj discovers information about Humberto. Abel receives a new anonymous letter. Camila discovers she is pregnant.
Chapter 173
Episode overview
07, 2009
Melissa beats Yvone and spares no threats and insults. Gopal breaks into the suite and steals Yvone's fake documents. Ravi finds out he is going to be a father. Chiara lies to Mike.
Chapter 174
Episode overview
08, 2009
Yvone realizes that Mike likes Nanda. Shivani finds out that Bahuan is the father of Raj's son. Amitav reveals to Opash that he knows about Tony. Raul investigates Yvone's fake documents.
Chapter 175
Episode overview
10, 2009
Mike refuses to apply the hit to Nanda. Yvone steals Mike's recordings to sing Nanda. Raj sends Mike's photo to Cadore. Deva discovers that she fell for the marriage scam.
Chapter 176
Episode overview
11, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 177
Episode overview
12, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 178
Episode overview
13, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 179
Episode overview
14, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 180
Episode overview
15, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 181
Episode overview
17, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 182
Episode overview
18, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 183
Episode overview
19, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 184
Episode overview
20, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 185
Episode overview
21, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 186
Episode overview
22, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 187
Episode overview
24, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 188
Episode overview
25, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 189
Episode overview
26, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 190
Episode overview
27, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 191
Episode overview
28, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 192
Episode overview
29, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 193
Episode overview
31, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 194
Episode overview
01, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 195
Episode overview
02, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 196
Episode overview
03, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 197
Episode overview
04, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 198
Episode overview
05, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 199
Episode overview
07, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 200
Episode overview
08, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 201
Episode overview
09, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 202
Episode overview
10, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
Chapter 203
Episode overview
11, 2009
International Emmy-winning soap opera. Set in India and Brazil, the soap opera tells the saga of Maya and Raj, who have an arranged marriage.
