Whose Line is it Anyway?
Tony Slattery, Jonathan Pryce, Rory McGrath, John Sessions (1x7)
: 04, 1988
Episode 7 Host Clive Anderson
Players Tony Slattery, Jonathan Pryce, Rory McGrath, John Sessions
Authors Stanley the stockbroker and the day of the big bang with Tony (Dennis Wheatley), Jonathan (Egon Ronay), Rory (Jorge Louis Borges) & John (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Film & Theatre Styles Loan Shark Tony Talks to debtor John: Japanese No Theatre, Bedroom Farce, Amateur Dramatics & Gilbert and Sullivan
World's Worst Person to meet on a blind date
Props John/Jonathan vs. Rory/Tony
Advertisement Tony Advertises a BMW & John Advertises A Toupee
Film Dub Rory Complains to hotel manager Jonathan
Remote Control The Subject is Porn With Tony (Star Trek), Jonathan (Call My Bluff), Rory (Breakfast TV) & John (Phil Silvers Show)
Credits Rory as his mother