WWE Pay-Per-View

WWE Pay-Per-View

Breaking Point 2009 (25x10)

: 13, 2009

WWE title match: Randy Orton vs John Cena (I Quit) CM Punk vs The Undertaker - submission match for the World Heavyweight championship Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs MVP and Mark Henry for the Unified Tag Team titles DX vs Legacy The Great Khali vs Kane (Singapore Cane Match) ECW Championship Christian(c) vs William Regal (with Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov) United States Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs The Miz Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs MVP and Mark Henry for the Unified Tag Team titles MVP debuted a new sleeveless attire. The crowd was really behind MVP and Mark Henry. Winner: Chris Jericho and The Big Show when Henry countered the Code Breaker and and was knocked out by Big Shows punch while MVP was on the outside hurt. Josh Matthews interviews The Legacy about their match with DX. United States Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs The Miz Miz cuts a promo in French. Winner: Kofi Kingston in a great match with Trouble in Paradise DX vs Legacy(Submission's count anywhere) The crowd starts to chant "You screwed Bret" and DX joke about it and Triple H says it was all Shawn Michaels and he had nothing to do with it. The match went all over. It went in to the crowd and into the lobby, back into the crowd, and then back to the ringside. They fought in the ring for a bit until they took it back into the crowd. Michaels was knocked off the stands on to something and was hurt. Triple H was forced to fight 2 0n 1 while HBK was hurt. They go back to the lobby again. Legacy beats down HHH in a 2 on 1 beating. Triple H fights back, but the 2on1 was too much. They hit Triple H with a chair knocking him out and then leave to go back to ringside to finish off HBK. Legacy beat down HBK in the ring for a while. HBK comes back and dumps Ted to the outside and hits Cody with the Sweet Chic Music. Triple H was shown getting checked on. Legacy gets the upper hand and HBK can't come back from it and is forced to tap out. Winner: Legacy Randy Orton is shown. He says he knew Legacy would win. Orton gets mad at Josh Matthews for asking two questions. He then talks about his match with Cena. The Great Khali vs Kane (Singapore Cane Match) Winner: Kane with a Chokeslam Eve interviews CM Punk about his upcoming match. Punk say he is not scared of any of Undertakers mind games. The lights go off and when they come back on Punk looks over and we see Jimmy Yang turned the lights off and is smiling. He wishes Punk luck and offers his hand. Punk shakes his hand, and then attacks him. ECW Championship: Christian(c) vs William Regal (with Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov) We find out Tiffany has ordered that Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov are banned from ringside and Regal doesn't look happy. We also find out that if they interfere Regal will lose the match. Winner: Christian with the Killswitch when Regal missed his running knee Pat Patterson comes out. He talks about being the first Intercontinental champion. Dolph Ziggler interrupts him. Ziggler makes fun of Pattersons age. Ziggler say he thought Patterson was dead. Ziggler keeps making fun of his age. Ziggler pushes Patterson, Ziggler calls Patterson a coward, and then hits him. Ziggler looks like he is going to continue to beat up Patterson, but Morrison makes the save. Ziggler ducks out before Morrison can get there. WWE title match: Randy Orton vs John Cena (I Quit) Winner:John Cena with the Attitude Adjustment using handcuffs CM Punk vs The Undertaker - submission match for the World Heavyweight championship The Undertaker made Punk submit to Hells Gate.The referee handed the title belt to Taker, who walked around with the belt until Teddy Long's music interrupted him. Long walked onto the stage and announced that the Hell's Gate finisher had been banned by Vickie Guerrero months ago. Therefore, the match would be restarted.Within a minute of the match starting, Punk applied the Anaconda Vice on Taker. The referee immediately called for the bell even though Taker didn't submit. Punk grabbed the belt and ran to the top of the stage with referee Scott Armstrong right behind him. Long was still on the stage standing stone faced and staring straight ahead. Ross said this one didn't pass the smell test. They aired a replay to show that Taker never tapped out. The show went off the air with Punk celebrating and telling the fans, "I told you so," on the stage. Winner CM Punk

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