My Sister Rosie (2x205)
: 08, 2000
It’s a mixed bag having a little sister. Caillou and Rosie sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa’s in new bunk beds – but delight turns to fright for Caillou in the top bunk, and he cuddles on the bottom with Rosie instead. Later, sibling strife during a car ride with Dad turns to chivalry when the car breaks down, and Caillou takes care of his frightened sister as the tow truck takes them to the garage. Later on at home, Mom has to leave for the day and Caillou helps Dad on the daily routine; he realizes that he knows how Mom does lots of things, especially when it comes to taking care of little Rosie. Meanwhile, Rexy plays with his imaginary sister in the yard until a baby squirrel becomes his surrogate sibling.
In the puppet segments, Rexy decides to imagine himself a little sister. He decides that she should be called Deedee. Then, he starts pretending that he's taking care of her. Then, later on, he directs her to do something and a voice says that she's a little bit scared. Rexy helps her, telling her that he's her older brother. She falls off of the garden fence, but Teddy catches her. Teddy explains that Rexy was pretending and the squirrel thought that he was talking to her. She thanks Rexy for giving her the courage to jump from up high, or rather, she thanks Teddy, who explains that it was Rexy who helped her. Rexy says that he was just imagining a little sister and she says that she was imagining a big brother. They talk and realize that they each have a new friend. The squirrel doesn't have a name, so she takes Rexy's name for her, Deedee. Gilbert appears and recites his "Ode To a New Friend." In the Caillou portion of the show, it's all about taking of and playing with Rosie, except when Caillou's busy acting like a little baby.
"Back Seat Driver" (A42 wip title: "Breakdown in Transit") Daddy is driving Caillou and Rosie to meet up with Mommy at a restaurant. Caillou is playing with a toy car and Rosie insists on playing with it. There's a lot of traffic and they get stuck and then the car breaks down. Dad's "just great" reaction is about passive as can be, although they cut away to Caillou and Rosie, so we don't get to see anymore. They wait for the tow truck to arrive, Dad sitting face forward with a smile on his face, like he's the happiest guy in the world. The tow-truck guy is all friendly and takes them to "Sullivan and Son." He's the son, so it's his Dad that will be fixing the car. Throughout this segment, Daddy is just standing around with black oil smudged on his face, like there's no bathroom at the mechanic's where he can go and get cleaned up. Some other stuff happens, but by this time the length of the segment is bucking way outside of the target audience's attention span (editor's note: at this time, Caillou and Rosie were trying to buy clocolate bars from a vending machine, but kept ending up with one of those health/musli bars instead). They eventually make it to the restaurant, Caillou's toy car is fixed and Daddy gets cleaned up.
"Top Bunk" (A42 wip title: "Caillou & Rosie at Grandpa & Grandma's") Caillou and Rosie stay overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's. Caillou is told that he now has to share a room with Rosie and he's upset because before he always had his own room, but now it's Grandma's sewing room. Then he's told about Grandpa's surprise. It's bunkbeds. Rosie wants the top bunk, but Caillou wins because it's too high for Rosie. That night, Caillou loses Teddy over the side of the bunkbed. Rosie tries to get it up to him, but she can't, so he climbs down. Then, he's too scared to climb back up, so they sleep together on the bottom bunk.
"Mom For a Day" (A42 wip title: "I Can Help Daddy With Rosie") Mom leaves for a business meeting, so Caillou helps Dad with caring for Rosie. For example, she doesn't like cheese on her macaroni and she always has a little water in her apple juice. Caillou helps Dad look after Gilbert too. Rosie bumps her knee on a chair, so Caillou kisses it to make it better. Then the two play house together. Daddy lies Rosie down for a nap. Caillou gets bored and wants to play with her, so he feigns sneezing to wake her up. Daddy reprimands him for it, calling his bluff. At dinner, Rosie won't eat all of her food, so Caillou does the old "open wide for the plane" trick. Daddy gives Rosie a bath and she fusses until Caillou gives her a rubber duck. That night, Rosie cries when Daddy tries to make her go to bed. Caillou explains that Dad needs to read them a story. Dad has Caillou read the story. When Mom gets home, Dad's fell asleep, whereas Caillou and Rosie are wide awake.
"Big Brother Caillou" Lifted from the original Caillou series. Caillou has just got a new baby sister: Rosie (Mousseline to those who watch the French version). And his parents are ignoring him. This causes jealousy to ensue and ended with Caillou pinching Rosie. But his parents keeps cool and asks him on why he does that. Caillou admits that he doesn't like Rosie. His dad gives him a little pep talk, and he eventually copes with it.
"Caillou Plays Baby" Lifted from the original series. Caillou and Rosie are playing together. Then Mom comes in and tells them to clean up their toys. But Caillou sees Rosie still playing and asks why she's not cleaning up. Mom tries to get Rosie to clean up and at first she does, but then she starts playing again. Mom explains that she's still too little, but Caillou won't have it and decides he's too little too. He asks for milk in a training cup like Rosie and his sandwich in little pieces and a bib. Then, Caillou and Rosie play baby together until Mom appears and stops them both for a nap! Caillou goes along at first, but then gets up. He tells Mom that he wants to be four again.