Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions

Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions

The History and Science of Shopping (5x5)

: 26, 2005

The two questions travelers ask most often are, "Where should I eat?" and "Where should I shop?" In this program, Burt takes a look at the history of shopping from its beginnings in 17th century London and the first department store in Paris, to New York's Fifth Avenue and the auction of a 92-million dollar painting at Sotheby's. We find out how the brains of men and women make them shop differently, who introduced the idea of ready-to-wear clothing and why. We see how the French Revolution changed the way people shopped, how the shopping bag and the price tag were invented, and why the survival of a nation can depend on how it shops.

  • : 2000
  • : 169
  • : 2
  • PBS