Democracy Now!

Democracy Now!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 (2012x213)

: 24, 2012

2012/10/24 Headlines: U.S. Forces Kill 4 Children in Afghanistan; Brahimi: Syrian Gov't, Rebels Agree to Holiday Truce; 4 Killed in Israeli Strikes on Gaza; Thousands Surround Spanish Parliament in Anti-Austerity Protest; Obama, Romney Hit Battleground States; Third-Party Candidates Hold Debate in Chicago; Indiana GOP Senate Candidate: Pregnancy by Rape "Intended" by God; Court Bars Indiana from Blocking Planned Parenthood Funding; Ex-CIA Agent Who Exposed Torture Pleads Guilty in Leak Case; Louisiana Police Challenge Burn Victim's Claim of Hate Crime; Ex-NYPD Informant Blasts Anti-Muslim Spy Program; Appeals Court Blocks Execution of Mentally Ill Florida Prisoner

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