On the BattleField (1x9)
: 01, 2006
A new soldier's experience with Battlefield 2142.
The soldier lands in a pod, and attempts to get into a vehicle, but another soldier gets in first and drives off. Shaking his fist at the other soldier, he fails to realise the Walker behind him and is crushed beneath it’s feet. Respawned, the soldier attempts to get into a free vehicle, but (presumably) the same soldier as before gets in before him. He begins to drive off, but he stops and lets the soldier get into the turret position. The other soldier gets out and the new soldier is shot and killed by a passing by enemy gunship. Paranoid, the new soldier attempts to sneak up on the vehicle. Slightly touching it and jumping back, the soldier is convinced it is safe. He is about to go into the vehicle when another soldier’ pod lands on him, and he jumps into the vehicle, driving off.
Next, we see the soldier attempting to shoot an enemy soldier, but all of his bullets miss. He then attempts to throw the gun at the enemy, while he is walking towards him. The enemy pulls out his knife, but the new soldier grabs his knife and kills himself.
The soldier then spawns into a plane, but the pilot jumps out. Jumping out himself, the soldier lands unnoticed next to an enemy soldier. He pulls out his knife, but the transport lands on him, killing him. The enemy soldier is unharmed; he pulls out a pistol and shoots the soldier in the hand. Next, the soldier spawns inside an APC, and he ejects. Although all of his comrades make it, he hits the enemy titan and dies.
Inside the enemy titan, the soldier is attempting to input a password, but the Blue Screen of Death appears. The soldier shoots the panel, causing the door to open. While inside, the other soldiers are carelessly throwing around explosive charges, and one of them sticks to the new soldiers head. The others run out, escaping the blast from the explosives and the blast mine attached to the new soldier.