She-Ra: Princess of Power

She-Ra: Princess of Power

The Caregiver (2x9)

: 08, 1986

Shakra, Adora's care giver and surrogate mother during the years she lived in the Fright Zone, has decided to leave the Horde. Hordak suprises Shakra by giving her a parting gift: a beautiful pendant. In reality, Hordak uses the pendant to spy on her as she ventures into the Whispering Woods to join the Great Rebellion. When a Rebel raid goes foul and Bow and Glimmer are captured, Madame Razz is convinced that Shakra is a traitor. But Adora/She-Ra doesn't believe that and lets her beloved friend accompany them on the rescue mission.

  • : 1985
  • : 93
  • : 22