Royal Family, Kwantas, Vodafone and Egypt (5x4)
: 19, 2011
In the Gruen spin class this week, Wil Anderson is joined by Todd Sampson (Leo Burnett), Russel Howcroft (Y&R Group), Anthony McClellan (AMC Media) and Anouk Darling (Moon Communications).
As the Queen touches down on Australian soil on Wednesday, we take a gander at Brand Royal 2011. After taking a battering in recent times, William & Kate’s wedding returned some of the shine to the family. The Royals exist in an uneasy truce with commerce, seen to be above petty money-making, yet locked in a dance with all kinds of brands and charities. And with support for the monarchy drifting upwards again, what does this visit mean for the Republicans?
This week, ice-cream brand Ben & Jerry’s released a statement supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement, despite the fact that the company is owned by Unilever, the kind of multi-national corporation the protesters were demonstrating against. We look at the pros and cons of brands trying to associate themselves with social and political revolution.
A countdown of three of the dodgiest, attention-grabbing publicity stunts from around the world.
This week, we challenge our agencies to come up with a campaign for a fictitious client, Australia’s number one airline, Kwantas: The Flying wallaby. The ad has to sell the idea that moving airline operations offshore is the patriotic thing to do.
Make Vs Thinkbone.