The Two Queens (4x11)
: 16, 2006
Grant, the Secretary of Defense, escapes, and leaves Van behind to face the chiropterans alone. Saya tries to explain to Diva why she wants to kill her to protect the humans, but Diva reminds her that she was the only one who was ever treated as a human being. Diva returns to her regular form while she and Saya argue over the existence of chiropterans. Backstage, Amshel tries to upset Hagi by reminding him that his parents sold him to Amshel for a loaf of bread, but Hagi tells him he is grateful because it enabled him to meet Saya. Amshel and Hagi assume their true forms and begin fighting, going through the roof outside where Hagi is badly losing. Meanwhile, Lewis runs out of the transmitter trailer as a decoy to draw the chiropterans away with Lulu's help while Kai gets David to safety. Hagi gets the upper hand on Amshel and impales him on the top of a skyscraper, but loses a wing in the battle. As Amshel tries to pull himself off, lightning strikes the rod, appearing to kill him by electrocution. Diva asks Saya is she is going to kill her babies as well, since she believes chiropterans shouldn't exist. Both load their swords with blood and begin their battle. Nathan, holding the babies, and Hagi watch from the audience, having agreed that in the end it is the queens' fight. Saya and Diva each impale the other with their blood-soaked swords, but Saya heals while Diva begins crystallizing. Saya cries and tries to help her, but Diva begins shattering. Nathan brings the babies to Diva, and she tells them good-bye and imagines herself holding them before she dies. Nathan says all she wanted was a family, something Amshel never understood, and explains that when she became pregnant, Diva's blood lost its potency. Nathan asks Saya to kill him, as he no longer has a purpose with Diva dead, and Saya does. Hagi comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her as she cries. Kai comes in and Saya tells him that she must die after she kills the babies.