The Kids in the Hall
#321 (3x21)
: 05, 1992
Girls! Girls! Girls!
- Stars- Kevin, Mark
- Recurring Characters- Mr. Tiscic aka Mr. Tyzik aka the Headcrusher
- In short- Man finds the Headcrusher after following a sign for girls.
- Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Mark, Scott
- Recurring Characters- n/a
- In short- A woman repeatedly remarries after repeated marrying the wrong guy.
Blame for Blue Jays Loss
- Stars- Kevin, Mark
- Recurring Characters- Bigot Cabbie
- In short- Cabbie blames "certain people."
Man Boobs
- Stars- Dave, Scott
- Recurring Characters- Danny Husk
- In short- Man asks if he's always had breasts, or are they new.
Blood From a Stone
- Stars- n/a
- Recurring Characters- It's a Fact Girl
- In short- You can get blood from a stone.
Road Rage
- Stars- Kevin, Mark, Scott
- Recurring Characters- Bigot Cabbie, Psycho Cabbie
- In Short- Cabbie shoots other cars, delivers a package, and picks up other fares.
The Thrift Shop
- Stars- Kevin, Mark, Scott
- Recurr