

Gibraltar/Scotland (24x2)

: 28, 2016

Bhon a thachair Brexit, thadhal Alasdair Friseal ann a Gibraltar, far an do bhòt cha mhor a h-uile duine airson fuireach san EU - ach de nisd a tha air thoiseach dhaibh? Cuideachd, tha Darren Linc ag aithris air plana Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Named Person, a tha tabhainn taic do chlann agus deugairean fo aois 18. In the wake of the Brexit vote, Alasdair Fraser reports from Gibraltar, which almost unanimously voted to remain in the EU. But what now lies ahead for the British Overseas Territory? Also Darren Laing is in Scotland where the government plans to assign a named person to all children and young people under the age of 18.

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  • BBC Two