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Seizoen 1
Pikachu's Winter Vacation (Christmas Night and Kanga Games)
Episode overview
Dec 22, 1998
Pikachu, Togepi, and more of Ash, Misty and Brock's Pokémon cause havoc on Christmas Eve. The Pokémon go exploring the mountain.
Pikachu, Togepi, and more of Ash, Misty and Brock's Pokémon cause havoc on Christmas Eve. The Pokémon go exploring the mountain.
Dec 22, 1998
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Pikachu's Winter Vacation (Delibird's Dilemma and Snorlax Snowman)
Episode overview
Dec 22, 2000
Ash's, Misty's, and Brock's Pokémon must find Santa's missing presents before midnight. A retelling of Frosty the Snowman, starring the same Pokémon and featuring a Snorlax-shaped snowman.
Ash's, Misty's, and Brock's Pokémon must find Santa's missing presents before midnight. A retelling of Frosty the Snowman, starring the same Pokémon and featuring a Snorlax-shaped snowman.
Dec 22, 2000
Near the Pokémon Center, the Pokémon are making snowmen. Totodile managed to build the biggest one, so Chikorita carves out two eyes. The Pokémon work on the snowman, carving out the
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Near the Pokémon Center, the Pokémon are making snowmen. Totodile managed to build the biggest one, so Chikorita carves out two eyes. The Pokémon work on the snowman, carving out the details. After a while, the Pokémon managed to carve out a snowman Snorlax. At night, while the Pokémon sleep, Pikachu wakes up and finds Snorlax at the window, who waves its hand. The Pokémon are impressed and follow the Snorlax, who is at the stairs. The Pokémon follows Snorlax (even causing Psyduck to roll over the stairs) and arrive to a cliff, where they find a tree with an apple. Chikorita grabs it with a vine, but the apple slips out of the vine. Snorlax chomps down the apple, but falls down, causing a chunck of the cliff to fall down with them all. The Pokémon fall down, passing by a Dewgong and a Seel, onto an ice platform, which starts floating off.
Dec 30, 2001
A young Trainer named Jimmy and his Typhlosion are on a Pokémon journey, and their latest Pokémon battle results in victory over another Trainer and his Hitmonlee. Meanwhile, Team Rocket
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A young Trainer named Jimmy and his Typhlosion are on a Pokémon journey, and their latest Pokémon battle results in victory over another Trainer and his Hitmonlee. Meanwhile, Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun have arrived at a Team Rocket base to view the Miracle Crystal. This invention can store electric energy and attract it as well—including Electric-type Pokémon. Jimmy, still on his journey, visits a Pokémon Center and he runs into an old friend, Marina, in the middle of a video conversation with their mutual friend Vincent. Marina wants to be a Trainer and a star performer, but when Jimmy tells her that's impossible, Marina challenges him to a 2-on-2 battle!
Dec 30, 2001
Jimmy has confronted Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun, who are about to capture Raikou with the help of the electricity-absorbing Miracle Crystal device. Attila and Hun send out
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Jimmy has confronted Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun, who are about to capture Raikou with the help of the electricity-absorbing Miracle Crystal device. Attila and Hun send out Skarmory and Steelix, catching Typhlosion in a Sandstorm attack and hitting it with Steel Wing. Jimmy's friend Marina sends in her Misdreavus for support, and Jimmy sends his Beedrill to damage Attila's capturing robot. Team Rocket finally retreats, leaving behind the injured Raikou. But even though Jimmy just wants to help, Raikou won't let anyone get close until it finally collapses and is taken to the Pokémon Center.
Dec 30, 2001
With their friend Marina in Team Rocket's clutches, Jimmy and Vincent are in a panic. Jimmy remembers that Vincent can call Marina on her Poké Gear, but Hun has already taken it from
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With their friend Marina in Team Rocket's clutches, Jimmy and Vincent are in a panic. Jimmy remembers that Vincent can call Marina on her Poké Gear, but Hun has already taken it from her. However, Vincent can still trace the call to find Marina, and not a moment too soon: Team Rocket is setting up another Miracle Crystal trap for Raikou. Jimmy, Vincent, and Eugene find Team Rocket only moments before Raikou does, and this time, Raikou pounds the area with lightning while staying out of the Crystal's range. In the Chaos, Jimmy sends his Beedrill to rescue Marina by flying her out of Team Rocket's grasp.
Dec 03, 2002
Brock returns home to Pewter City to find that the gym has been converted from a Rock gym to a Water gym, by his mother. Now Brock has to fight to get the gym restored to it's normal
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Brock returns home to Pewter City to find that the gym has been converted from a Rock gym to a Water gym, by his mother. Now Brock has to fight to get the gym restored to it's normal state. Meanwhile, Brock ends up leaving his Pokemon with his little brother. He is off to the Hoenn Region.
Dec 10, 2002
Misty is glad to return to the Cerulean Gym. A gym leader for the gym has not appeared in a while, so the gym is in danger of closure. One of Misty's worst fears is a Gyarados, but now she has to cope with it because it is loose in the gym.
Misty is glad to return to the Cerulean Gym. A gym leader for the gym has not appeared in a while, so the gym is in danger of closure. One of Misty's worst fears is a Gyarados, but now she has to cope with it because it is loose in the gym.
Dec 17, 2002
A village is in danger of a huge robot, about to ruin their crops. Team Rocket end up landing in the village, so the people, hope they will stop the robot, before any destruction of the
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A village is in danger of a huge robot, about to ruin their crops. Team Rocket end up landing in the village, so the people, hope they will stop the robot, before any destruction of the crops. Jesse, James, and Meowth manage to stop the one robot, but more come leading to more complications. To add to the problems, a huge swarm of Taillow are flying in that direction.
Dec 24, 2002
When playtime turns into a fight, the Pichu Brothers get separated. Compounding this, Pichu Little is soon miles above the ground with only balloons on a string keeping him up, and a
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When playtime turns into a fight, the Pichu Brothers get separated. Compounding this, Pichu Little is soon miles above the ground with only balloons on a string keeping him up, and a wild Murkrow bent on popping the balloons is flying around. This story is continued in "Big Meowth, Little Dreams."
Jan 14, 2003
Butch and Cassidy, also members of Team Rocket, return. They are in search for Pokemon, but in Oak's lab. Will Ash be able to stop them? Meanwhile, guess who's back, the Magikarp Salesman. This time he tries to sell Pokemon to another person.
Butch and Cassidy, also members of Team Rocket, return. They are in search for Pokemon, but in Oak's lab. Will Ash be able to stop them? Meanwhile, guess who's back, the Magikarp Salesman. This time he tries to sell Pokemon to another person.
Feb 25, 2003
Sakura returns, asking Misty, ""could she battle her?"" Misty gladly approves, but she is out of badges. She goes to get some created, where she is taught herself, but she encounters
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Sakura returns, asking Misty, ""could she battle her?"" Misty gladly approves, but she is out of badges. She goes to get some created, where she is taught herself, but she encounters trouble. Sakura helps battle the bad guys. Will she be able to win a Cascade Badge from Misty, though?
Mrt 04, 2003
Meowth takes a break from trying to capture Pikachu to spend time in Big Town. But his dream project to build a golden statue gets off to a bad start when he loses his picnic basket in a
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Meowth takes a break from trying to capture Pikachu to spend time in Big Town. But his dream project to build a golden statue gets off to a bad start when he loses his picnic basket in a series of mix-ups. And then to pay for it he gets some jobs, but makes the Pichu possé to do the work. This story is continued in "Trouble In Big Town."
Mrt 04, 2003
Meowth is ready to have another picnic. As he is about to eat, his sandwhich disappears. He is very confused to where it went. Meowth sees the sandwhich floating on front of him. It runs
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Meowth is ready to have another picnic. As he is about to eat, his sandwhich disappears. He is very confused to where it went. Meowth sees the sandwhich floating on front of him. It runs away and Meowth chases it. Can Meowth solve the sandwich mystery?
Meowth is trying to impress a Skitty. He performs various actions, hoping the Skitty will become interested. When he is very close to giving Skitty a gift, something happens. He has departed from Skitty. What is Meowth left to do, now?
Mrt 04, 2003
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Apr 08, 2003
Richie returns with a new Pokemon. Butch and Cassidy also come back (with new Pokemon), but they are up to no good. They capture Oak. It is up to Richie to save him. Later on, Richie
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Richie returns with a new Pokemon. Butch and Cassidy also come back (with new Pokemon), but they are up to no good. They capture Oak. It is up to Richie to save him. Later on, Richie thinks about traveling again, so he leaves to go to the Hoenn Region.
Jun 17, 2003
With two days left in Big Town, Meowth gives up on his statue, and just wants to eat his tuna fish sandwich, which then mysteriously runs away from him. Then, the next day, he tries to woo a Skitty while the Pichu Brothers chase after an Azurill.
With two days left in Big Town, Meowth gives up on his statue, and just wants to eat his tuna fish sandwich, which then mysteriously runs away from him. Then, the next day, he tries to woo a Skitty while the Pichu Brothers chase after an Azurill.
Jun 17, 2003
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Sep 02, 2003
Misty receives a guest to the gym. This guest happens to be Casey, the girl who loves Electabuzz. Lily, Violet, and Daisy, sisters of Misty, also come back to manage the Cerulean Gym.
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Misty receives a guest to the gym. This guest happens to be Casey, the girl who loves Electabuzz. Lily, Violet, and Daisy, sisters of Misty, also come back to manage the Cerulean Gym. Meanwhile, Cassidy and Butch are up to no good, again. They are looking to take someone's Pokemon, but they are defeated. It all ends well for everyone, except Misty, because she no longer is the leader of the Cerulean Gym.
Sep 30, 2003
Jessie, James, and Meowth weren't always together. They once were solo. They were of youth and didn't know much about Pokemon. This episode explains how and what brought them as one team.
Jessie, James, and Meowth weren't always together. They once were solo. They were of youth and didn't know much about Pokemon. This episode explains how and what brought them as one team.
Okt 07, 2003
Celebi is back. This time, it is spotted by Richie. He is able to indentify it, but he is wondering why it appeared to him. Richie is confused because Celebi guides him into the woods,
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Celebi is back. This time, it is spotted by Richie. He is able to indentify it, but he is wondering why it appeared to him. Richie is confused because Celebi guides him into the woods, where it's symbol of rememberance is located. What might be the reason, Celebi brought Richie with him?
Okt 14, 2003
A new Pokemon Trainer is coming. It will be his first Pokemon, but he doesn't know which Pokemon to choose. After a small incident, he selects a Pokemon. The trainer is excited with his new Pokemon and the journeys that they will experience.
A new Pokemon Trainer is coming. It will be his first Pokemon, but he doesn't know which Pokemon to choose. After a small incident, he selects a Pokemon. The trainer is excited with his new Pokemon and the journeys that they will experience.
Mrt 16, 2004
Gary has become a Pokemon Researcher. He is trying to discover more facts and information about Pokemon. He meets an Aerodactyl, in which Team Rocket are looking in taking, since it is
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Gary has become a Pokemon Researcher. He is trying to discover more facts and information about Pokemon. He meets an Aerodactyl, in which Team Rocket are looking in taking, since it is rare. Gary, Oak, and Tracey have to make sure Aerodactyl stays safe because Team Rocket have it.
Sep 14, 2004
Misty and Daisy each have a new Luvdisc, but only one loves the other. To make matters worse, Butch and Cassidy steal them for Professor Nanba, who plans to use them to rid the world of
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Misty and Daisy each have a new Luvdisc, but only one loves the other. To make matters worse, Butch and Cassidy steal them for Professor Nanba, who plans to use them to rid the world of love forever. Notable for the one of only three times that Butch is called by his proper name.
Sep 21, 2004
Casey meets the pitcher for her favourite baseball team, the Electabuzz. He left due to a shoulder injury, but has lost the fire to perform, while his Charizard has literally lost its
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Casey meets the pitcher for her favourite baseball team, the Electabuzz. He left due to a shoulder injury, but has lost the fire to perform, while his Charizard has literally lost its fire and ability to fly. She must restore the fighting spirit to both of them.
Sep 28, 2004
While taking a voyage on the SS Anne, Ritchie meets a trainer called Silver, who is on his way to battle Moltres with two Professors from the Bogus Fake University of Science. However,
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While taking a voyage on the SS Anne, Ritchie meets a trainer called Silver, who is on his way to battle Moltres with two Professors from the Bogus Fake University of Science. However, the "professors" are really Butch and Cassidy, and they want to capture Moltres for Team Rocket.
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