Deejay Knight

Born: -

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Death: -

Deejay Knight has been active in the gaming industry in various roles since 2009. Currently, he is an entertainer on Twitch, voice actor & event host, having worked with organizations including FIRST, a youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education. An accomplished educator, he's taught in multiple programs at Full Sail University including multiple years in the Game Design Online program, teaching various aspects of Game Design. On Twitch, he focuses heavily on Space, Sci-Fi & whatever else comes along that looks fun! He's been a part of multiple TTRPG campaigns, including Arcane Stars (D&D), Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius) and Into the Motherlands (Cortex) Whether hosting events or entertaining in his channel, he uses his platform to promote positivity and the value of education while adding as much comedy as possible.

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