Montevideo, bog te video

Montevideo, bog te video

Montecito (3x2)

Udgivelsesdato: Apr 14, 2014

Players can’t resist the atmosphere on the street and they go out to experience nigh life. While Tirke is spending the romantic night with his Uruguayan friend Dolores. Mosa is feeling worse. He is unhappy, loosing they will for football, and wants to start from beginning in Montevideo. Milutinac becomes harder on guys because the tango and girls are distracting them from the reason why they are there in the first place.

  • Premieret: Feb 2012
  • Afsnit: 28
  • Følgere: 8
  • Slut
  • Radio Television of Serbia (RTS/PTC)
  • Mandag på 20