WWE SmackDown
Tampa, FL (taped 4/11/00) (1x35)
Udgivelsesdato: Apr 13, 2000
Rikishi Phatu defeated European Champion, Eddy Guerrero, by Disqualification...The Hardy Boyz defeated Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko...Perry Saturn pinned Crash Holly to win the Hardcore Title...Tazz pinned Perry Saturn to win the Hardcore Title...Crash Holly pinned Tazz to win the Hardcore Title...World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, defeated Kurt Angle and The Big Show by Count Out...Buh-Buh Ray Dudley pinned Prince Albert...The Kat and Mae Young defeated The Fabulous Moolah and Terri Runnells...Jesse James and X-Pac defeated Chris Jericho in a handicap match...Rocky Maivia and The Acolytes fought to a No Contest with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Big Boss Man, and Bull Buchanan.
- Premieret: Aug 1999
- Afsnit: 1685
- Følgere: 161